Product characteristics

Short cycle times

With the servo drive you can implement fast and highly dynamic positioning tasks through the integrated control technology. EtherCAT enables the ideal connection to the PC-based control technology. With EtherCAT and the AX8000 multi-axis servo system and distributed clocks you can achieve minimum cycle times of 62.5 µs, synchronicity and simultaneity in the drive technology.

Scalable nominal motor power

With the axis modules you can operate different nominal motor powers through scalable motor current measurement. A nominal motor current of between 1 A and 8 A can be set on an 8 A module without influencing the quality of the resolution.

Operation of different motor sizes

With a two-channel axis module you can connect two identical motor sizes or also different ones. The sum of the nominal currents of both servomotors is relevant for the selection of the axis module. The sum of the nominal currents of the axis modules is the most that can be provided at the same time here.

OCT – One Cable Technology

The AX8000 multi-axis servo system supports OCT, the one cable solution for power and feedback, in which the feedback signals are transmitted directly via the motor cable. All information required for control is transmitted interference-free and reliably via a digital interface.
The total cable length of an OCT connection is up to 100 m. One motor cable and a maximum of two extension cables can be used.

EnDat 3

In addition to OCT, the AX8000 multi-axis servo system also supports the transmission of EnDat® 3 signals directly via the Beckhoff motor cable.
The total cable length of an EnDat® 3 motor cable is up to 100 m. One motor cable and a maximum of two extension cables can be used.

Multi-feedback interface

The multi-feedback interface of the AX8000 multi-axis servo system supports the digital encoder systems EnDat 2.2/22 and BiSS C and the analog encoder systems TTL (DIFF RS422) and SinCos 1 Vpp:

Supported encoders and feedback systems

A wide range of different encoders and feedback systems are supported via the various encoder connections. These in turn are offered by many vendors. The firmware protocols are sometimes very extensive and, in the case of safety encoders, also very specific. However, the scope of implementation varies from vendor to vendor. Beckhoff Automation has implemented the respective interfaces to the best of its knowledge. However, compatibility with different vendor implementations cannot be guaranteed.

Some restrictions are listed below:

Hiperface DSL

EnDat 2.2 FS / EnDat® 3 FS

For the permitted EnDat® 2.2/22 FS and EnDat® 3 FS encoders, please refer to the operating instructions for the AX8911 TwinSAFE option card.

High-speed capture inputs

The digital high-speed capture inputs record binary control signals from the process level and make them available for "latching" / "capturing" an encoder position. The signal propagation time of these inputs is 15 µs. There are two digital inputs per axis.

Diagnostics and parameter display

The display of the AX8000 multi-axis servo system shows error groups in various categories and is based on the 7-segment technology.

Toolless connection

The simple and fast connection of the DC link of power supply modules and several axis modules is enabled by the AX bridge. The connection takes place without tools with spring-loaded terminals for DC link, control circuit and EtherCAT. The compact design of the AX8000 multi-axis servo system enables simple mounting inside the control cabinet.

TwinSAFE safe drive technology

The AX8000 multi-axis servo system can be used to implement both basic functions (TwinSAFE STO/SS1) and complex safety functions (TwinSAFE Safe Motion) for safe drive technology. Depending on the product, the functionality can be realized via safe FSoE communication, with direct wiring or locally in the servo drive using the integrated TwinSAFE Logic.