First steps

To facilitate commissioning of AX5000 servo drives the commissioning tool is integrated in the TwinCAT System Manager. This means that existing and familiar tools such as the oscilloscope can be used without the need to use a different tool for fine-tuning in TwinCAT after the axes have been optimised. Before the actual commissioning you should first consider the overall configuration of the machine. There are several things to observe, particularly in relation to fault management in the case of the 2-channel AX5000.

Integration of axes


First the bus is scanned for connected EtherCAT devices:

First steps 1:

Select the EtherCAT interface card

First steps 2:

Search for connected devices (Scan for boxes):

Acknowledge the request "Activate Free Run" with NO.

If EtherCAT axes are found the system asks whether the axes should be linked in TwinCAT NC. Confirm with Yes.

First steps 3:

All axes that were found appear in the NC configuration. They now have to be configured in turn. Open the "Settings" tab.
AX5000 servo drives are displayed as EtherCAT with communication type SoE (Sercos profile over EtherCAT).

First steps 4:

The axis details can be found in the I/O Configuration. Open the required axis. Open the TC Drive Manager via the "Configuration" tab.
The TC Drive Manager includes all required data, parameters, and tools for configuring and commissioning a servo axis. The menu tree distinguishes
between equipment data and axis data. For multi-axis devices (e.g. AX5206) the axis data are identified as channel A and channel B.

Description of the menu bar:

Menu item Device Info contains all device-specific data such as capacity, serial number, .....

Menu item Power Management is used to set the mains voltage with country-specific upper and lower tolerance. The internal or external brake resistor can also
be selected and dimensioned in this menu.

Menu item Display is used to specify individual error messages etc.

Menu item Scope .....

Menu item Watch Window .....

First steps 5:


In the next step the axis-specific parameters and data are set.
The connected motor is selected from the motor database in the Motor and Feedback section.

First steps 6:


First steps 7:
First steps 8:


First steps 9:


First steps 10:


In the upper section of the Startup list all parameters / IDNs can be found that are available as default or may already have been modified.
All further parameters that are called up via the TC Drive Manager can be found in the lower section. Add these parameters to the
Startup list with Accept All.

First steps 11:


Startup list after all parameters have been entered:

First steps 12:

Repeat this procedure is for all other axes.

Now switch to NC configuration:
First the scaling factor must be calculated. Example: One motor revolution corresponds to 40 mm linear feed. The resolution
of the encoder in TwinCAT is 2^20. The scaling factor is therefore 40 / 2^20 = 0.0000381469 mm/INC. Enter and save
this value.

First steps 13:


If the AX5000 is operated via the velocity interface the encoder overflow for modulo mode must be calculated. Click
Calculate and Download.

First steps 14:


In the next step the maximum permissible axis velocity is calculated and entered: In our example:
40 mm feed x 3000 rpm / 60 = 2000 mm/s. This value can be stored as reference velocitiy.

First steps 15: