A fatal error completely stops a two-channel device by default, i.e. the error-free channel and the associated SyncUnit are also stopped. If such a behavior is not permitted in the application, the default behavior can be changed with the following parameterization of IDN P0-0350.
P-0-0350: Change of communication state in the event of fatal errors
0: Immediate state change (default)
If the servo drive is in "Op" state when the fatal error occurs, it immediately changes from "Op" to "ErrSafe-Op" and sets the error bit in the EtherCAT state.
1: No change in communication state while the other channel is enabled
In this case the AX5000 initiates the state change from Op to ErrSafe-Op in the event of a fatal error on one channel only once the error-free channel has been deactivated. The error-free channel can therefore continue to operate until it is deactivated.
2: Change of status when the reset command is called (S-0-0099)
In the case of an active fatal error, the AX5000 only changes to "ErrSafeOp" if the Reset command is executed in the drive; hence, the change of state can be initiated at the best possible time from the application by means of the Reset command.
The IDN P-0-0040 is used in order to be able to diagnose in the PLC whether a fatal error situation has occurred that will lead to a change of status when next deactivating a channel or when calling the Reset command. This IDN should be read acyclically in the PLC with block "FB_SoERead". Cyclic evaluation is not meaningful, since the AX5000 no longer supplies valid inputs in ErrSafe-Op state after a fatal error, and therefore no valid information is transferred cyclically.
Bit 0: this bit indicates whether the other channel has an error that will lead to a change of communication from ‘Op’ to ‘ErrSafe-Op’ on deactivation of this channel.
Bit 1: this bit indicates whether this channel has a fatal error that will lead to a change of communication from ‘Op’ to ‘ErrSafe-Op’ on deactivation of the other channel. An error reset is not possible as long as this bit is set.
Bit 2: this bit indicates whether this channel has a fatal error that will lead to a change of communication from ‘Op’ to ‘ErrSafe-Op’ on executing the Reset command.