Precondition for operation

A prerequisite for operation of the OCT motor is a suitable AX5000 (1,5 A – 40 A device) with a serial number > 105.000 and firmware V 2.04 or higher.

AX5000 with hardware version 2

Precondition for operation 1:


The AX5000 with hardware version 2 is marked with "0200" (1) in the catalogue number. The catalogue number can be found on the name plates.

AX5000 with hardware version 2 and set "Featureflag 0"

The feature flags (3) are documented in the IDN "P-0-0322" (2). The "Feature Flag 0" must have the value 1

Precondition for operation 2:


AX5000 with hardware version 2 and firmware version 2.04 or higher.

Precondition for operation 3:


The current firmware version of the AX5000 is displayed under (4) in the "Watch Window".