End of telegram (EOT)

The EtherCAT state controller (ESC) in the slave processes the EtherCAT telegrams dynamically. At the end of the telegram (EOT) it transfers the content to the addressed Sync Manager (if the telegram was intended for this slave and no CRC error is present). The EOT thus lags slightly behind the signal of Sync1 by the time DT2; the status of SyncManager2 is subsequently set to "SyncManager written". The CPU only copies the data from SincManager2 into its own memory area if this status is "SyncManager written" at the time of Sync1. At the time of the Sync1 signal, the CPU expects a written SyncManager2. The end of the telegram must therefore occur just before the Sync1 signal is generated. The data are not copied if the status is not "SyncMan written"; if the data cannot be copied twice in succession, the CPU generates the error code F415 and the connected axes are brought to a standstill with the "EStop ramp".

End of telegram (EOT) 1:


The tolerance for the existence of new data at the right time, due to "jitter" etc., is NULL. The EtherCAT master must ensure that the data arrive at the SyncMan2 in time.

End of telegram (EOT) 2: