With incremental measuring systems


Use of incremental measuring systems for vertical axes!

Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG urgently advises you not to use incremental measuring systems with vertical axes. A reliable commutation search is not possible with this combination!

Parameter P-0-0160 executes the commutation search. The behavior is configured with parameter P-0-0165. The "Static current vector" method can be used for test drives. It is preferable to use "Wake & Shake" in operation. It causes less movement of the axis. Both methods are executed using the command "Start" (picture below → red circle). All settings should initially remain unchanged. The routine must be completed without error. The message "Succeeded to start the command" (picture below → red circle) should appear.

With incremental measuring systems 1:

After successful execution of the command, the axis can be moved for testing purposes, see below. After a successful test, the entry "Command Mode" in the parameter P-0-0165 should be changed to "Wake & Shake" and the entry "Activation" to "1:On enable request".
In most cases the default settings for "Wake & Shake" can be left unchanged. In many applications it is useful to set the parameter "Commutation pos control: Kp" to 0. Details for this can be found under the keyword "Electronic Commutation" in the Beckhoff Information System.

With incremental measuring systems 2:

Further information can be found in the parameters:

P-0-0160 and P-0-0165.