Specifying the scaling factor

The scaling factor is an application-related parameter, which is required for converting the position representations between the NC and the AX5000. The NC is usually parameterized in the application unit (e.g. degree). The AX5000 operates with a position representation of 2x increments per revolution (with x = [20...31]). If, for example, a motor revolution corresponds to an application revolution (360 degrees), and x = 20 was selected, the resulting scaling factor is 360 degrees / 220.


Specifying the scaling factor 1:

In the System Manager tree, open I/O –Configuration → I/O Devices → Device 6 → Drive 9 (1).

Open the TCDriveManager via the Configuration tab (2).

In the TCDriveManager tree select Channel B → Parameter → Scalings and NC Parameters (3).

A table with different NC parameters and the corresponding values (4) can be found to the right of the TCDriveManager tree. Since the initial parameter values are default values that were not explicitly saved by the user, they are regarded as invalid and therefore shown in red font. The individual parameter values depend on the scaling factor, so that all parameter values can be adjusted by modifying the scaling factor.

Adjust the scaling factor via the field Feed constant (5).

Select the unit (6).

Confirm the change with Save (7).

Specifying the scaling factor 2:

Acknowledge the information window with OK.


Specifying the scaling factor 3:

By confirming the change, the parameter values and their units are adjusted to the new reference value and appear in black font.


→ Your motor parameters are set correctly.

The configuration of Channel A follows the same procedure as for Channel B.