Motor types and operation modes

In this chapter the relationships between physical motor types, feedback systems and the necessary operation mode will be explained.

Functionality from firmware v2.12

The firmware V2.12 enables the operation of voice coil motors with feedback system and (a)synchronous servomotors with and without feedback (sensorless regulation).

Structure of the parameter P-0-0050 (Motor construction type)

Motor types and operation modes 1:

The functional principle of the motor
(asynchronous/synchronous) and the type of construction (rotary/linear) are defined in this parameter.

Structure of the parameter P-0-0451 (Current controller settings)

Motor types and operation modes 2:

In Control mode the operation mode is selected in relation to the predetermined
motor type (P-0-0050).
Please refer to the
table below for
the relationships.

Relationships between motor type and operation mode


Motor type

Settings in P-0-0050

Settings in P-0-0451


Rot. synchronous servomotor with feedback

Functional principle = 0: synchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 0: Field-oriented current control with feedback


Linear synchronous servomotor with feedback

Functional principle = 0: synchronous

Construction = 1: linear

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 0: Field-oriented current control with feedback


Rot. synchronous servomotor without feedback

Functional principle = 0: synchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 4: Field-oriented current control without feedback


Rot. asynchronous servomotor with feedback

Functional principle = 1: asynchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 0: Field-oriented current control with feedback


Rot. asynchronous servomotor without feedback

Functional principle = 1: asynchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 2: U/f control


Control mode = 3: U/f control with independent feedback


Rot. voice coil servomotor with feedback

Functional principle = 0: synchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 1: VoiceCoil

Control mode = 5: Current control with feedback


Linear voice coil servomotor with feedback

Functional principle = 0: synchronous

Construction = 1: linear

Functional principle replacement = 1: VoiceCoil

Control mode = 5: Current control with feedback

1): Mandatory setting in parameter P-0-0464 = Mode: 1: EMF-based observer.
2): With an asynchronous servomotor and the operation mode V/f control with independent feedback (setting in P-0-0451), an independent encoder can also be read. An encoder error does not affect the operation of the motor.
3): As soon as you select a voice coil motor in parameter P-0-0050 the range in Functional principle (synchronous / asynchronous) will be overwritten.

Functionality from firmware v2.06 to firmware v2.10

The firmware versions v2.06 - v2.10 allow the operation of synchronous servomotors with feedback and asynchronous servomotors without feedback.

Structure of the parameter P-0-0050 (Motor construction type)

Motor types and operation modes 3:

The functional principle of the motor
(asynchronous/synchronous) and the type of construction (rotary/linear) are defined in this parameter.

Structure of the parameter P-0-0451 (Current controller settings)

Motor types and operation modes 4:

In Control mode the operation mode is selected in relation to the predetermined
motor type (P-0-0050)
Please refer
to the table below
for the relationships.

Relationships between motor type and operation mode


Motor type

Settings in P-0-0050

Settings in P-0-0451


Rot. synchronous servomotor with feedback

Functional principle = 0: synchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 0: Field-oriented current control with feedback


Linear synchronous servomotor with feedback

Functional principle = 0: synchronous

Construction = 1: linear

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 0: Field-oriented current control with feedback


Rot. asynchronous servomotor without feedback

Functional principle = 1: asynchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 2: U/f control


Control mode = 3: U/f control with independent feedback


Rot. asynchronous servomotor without feedback

Functional principle = 0: synchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 4: Field-oriented current control without feedback


Rot. asynchronous servomotor with feedback

Functional principle = 1: asynchronous

Construction = 0: rotary

Functional principle replacement = 0 (Default)

Control mode = 0: Field-oriented current control with feedback