Configuration of the motor brake in the TC3 Drive Manager takes place via parameter P-0-0060. The setting options of this IDN are described below.

Default value: 0 No motor brake
Here you can choose between the following settings:
- 0: No motor brake
The servomotor has no holding brake. - 1: Motor brake: currentless locked
The servomotor has a holding brake. If no current flows through the holding brake, the brake is closed and the rotor is prevented from moving. - 2: External motor brake: currentless locked (from firmware v2.10)
A servomotor with electronic type plate is used without motor brake. The AX5000 is intended to control an external motor brake via the brake output.
For this combination the setting „2: External motor brake: currentless locked“ must be selected, otherwise a parameter error (F4A5) is issued.
This error message describes a software conflict between the setting in P-0-0060 and the entry in the electronic type plate of the servomotor.

Default value: 0 Standard holding brake
Here you can choose between the following settings:
- 0: Standard holding brake
The default settings of the holding brake are used, based on which the holding brake only engages at standstill. - 1: Holding brake: Emergency brake
When an error message occurs at the AX5000 servo drive, the holding brake engages (independent of standstill monitoring S-0-0124). Therefore the holding brake also acts on rotating axes. This can lead to increased wear and premature failure!
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Risk of injury through falling or moving axes! As a rule, holding brakes in Beckhoff servomotors are not designed for service braking of the axes! Service braking causes increased wear of the holding brake! The service life would be reduced significantly. Increased wear leads to premature failure of the components. High risk of injury through axes that failed to stop! Particularly applications with vertical axes can have a high risk potential. Check the different machine states and the brake control in different scenarios. If necessary, install an additional (safe) service brake. |