Parameterisation of the filter


Warning, risk of injury from uncontrolled movements!

Impermissible damping values lead to a strong phase shift, which can result in uncontrolled acceleration of the motor and other instable states.

Parameterisation of the filter 1:

This filter is parameterised with the parameters "Limit frequency" (35) and "Damping" (34). The time constant (36) is calculated from the limit frequency according to the following equation --> "Time constant [s] = 1/ (2*Pi*Limit frequency [Hz])".

Determination of the limit frequency
The following test provides information about possibly existing interference frequencies: Drive through the necessary operating speed range and make a scope recording of the actual active current (IDN S-0-0084). A frequency analysis shows possibly existing resonance points.

Click on the "Download" button (37) to conclude the parameterisation. If you are online these parameters are loaded directly into the AX5000 and activated. If you are offline they are only written into the start-up list.

The limitation of the damping of the amplitude ensures that the phase shift returns to zero. The limited damping is adequate for most drive applications.


Parameterisation of the filter 2:

With this example the frequency response of the PT1 filters has been illustrated for clarity. The Bode plot (logarithmic frequency curve) shows the amplitude over frequency in the upper area and the associated phase shift over frequency in the lower area. Seen together, it is recognisable that a phase shift results from the damping of the amplitude.

Parameter inputs in the TCDriveManager:

Time constant = 0.000025 s
(Limit frequency = 6280 Hz)
d0 = 0
d1 = 0.05
d3 = 0.15
d4 = 0.35


"Phase correction filter 1. order" – method – "step by step"

Parameterisation of the filter 3:

Expert hint!

The software calculates the coefficients independently using the parameters entered. If you have sufficient experience in control technology you can also determine the coefficients yourself and thus affect the behaviour of the filter.

The method is the same as in the "Notch filter classic method" – "step by step".