Diagnostic options

Add parameter P-0-0081, Estimated commutation error, to the process image and record it using ScopeView:

Diagnostic options 1:
Diagnostic options 2:

P-0-0081 does not map the angle, but the sine of the angle.

The value for "Low pass frequency"(P-0-0069) affects the recording. At the maximum value of 1000 Hz the calculated deviation is displayed (and evaluated) almost unfiltered. In this way, you can also detect possible short-term deviations.

The following recording shows an example where an incorrect value for the motor inductance is active. For the recording the value for "Low pass frequency" was set to 1000 Hz. Only then are the peaks of the "Estimated commutation error" visible during acceleration.

Diagnostic options 3:

For comparison: if the value for the inductance is correct, the maximum value of the "Estimated commutation error" is 0.7.