Parameter P-0-0069, Commutation monitoring
The three conditions for the occurrence of the commutation error described under "Commutation error" are still valid. In addition, the AX5000 uses an internal calculation model to constantly calculate the current commutation angle error. If this exceeds the set limit value for the set time, the commutation error is also triggered. The setting options can also be found in parameter P-0-0069. The default settings are shown here:
Parameter | Meaning |
Velocity limit | The calculation of the model only starts when the velocity value set for "Velocity limit" is exceeded. |
Maximum commutation angle error | If the deviation of the commutation angle exceeds this limit value, the commutation error is triggered (1rad = 57°). |
Fault tolerance time | The commutation error is triggered if the deviation exceeds the limit value for longer than the set time. |
Low pass frequency | The calculated deviation is filtered with a low-pass filter. Higher frequency values provide for faster response, lower frequency values for more tolerant behavior. |