FD59, Error Power Management: Wrong external brake resistor found

The determined values of the external brake resistor connected do not correspond to the parametrized values in the TCDriveManager.

Diagnostic Code (Hex.)

Diagnostic Code (Dez.)






Runtime error

Standard Reaction


Closed loop ramp

Execute Reset-Command (S-0-0099).

Possible Causes


General measurement error; measure the brake resistor and compare the ohmic value determined to the data on the type label.

If the value corresponds, deactivate the internal test of the external brake resistor: To do this, set the IDN P-0-0204 "Disable DC link interface check" to "enable". Observe the application with regard to the proper operation of the external brake resistor.

General measurement error; measure the brake resistor and compare the ohmic value determined to the data on the type label.

If the value does not correspond, exchange the brake resistor or enter the determined ohmic value in the TCDriveManager; afterwards, switch the 24 V supply off and on again. .

Please consider this note!

If you have ruled out the above measurement errors, you can switch off the brake resistor check via the IDN P-0-0204 "Bit 1".