Layout of the motors

The motor windings have a fixed distance to one another that depends on the series. In the case of the AL2xxx series this is 16 mm. If linear servomotors are coupled with one another, there must be a multiple of this winding distance between the windings of the connected motors as well.

Phase repetition = 3 x winding distance = 3 x 16 mm = 48 mm

Example 1 with AL2006 and AL2012


Example 2 with AL2006 and AL2012

In example 1 the connecting cables of the motors point in different directions. This enables the minimum distance between the linear servomotors.


In example 2 the connecting cables point in the same direction. In this layout the minimum bending radius of the motor cable must be observed.

Layout of the motors 1:


Layout of the motors 2:

PDM1M2 = phase distance “Phase L1 / Motor 1” to “Phase L1 / Motor 2”
x = Housing clearance
z = Distance of the locating pin holes


PDM1M2 = phase distance “Phase L1 / Motor 1” to “Phase L1 / Motor 2”
x = Housing clearance
z = Distance between the mounting holes