Electric cylinder with integrated anti-twist protection [+]
The mechanical end positions of the electric cylinder and the mechanical offset of the encoder position are stored in the electronic nameplate. Thus, the output encoder position value corresponds to the absolute position of the spindle. A homing to determine the position offset is therefore not necessary. The position values displayed in the software are valid.
Notice | |
Damage to the electric cylinder due to incorrect end position By manually changing the software end positions or the encoder offset in the configuration, the mechanical end positions can be exceeded and the electric cylinder can be damaged.
Carry out the instructions in the operating manual for servo drives:
- ►Build a new project and choose a target system
- ►Scan and take over devices
- ►Create DriveManager 2 project and scan drives
- ►Transfer parameters to the NC
- ►Check the use and value of the NC end positions. The screenshot shows an example of the parameter that contains the end position values transferred to the NC.
- ►Check the condition of the plant and activate the project