Binäres 7 byte Zeitformat.
TYPE T_CP56Time2a :
Milliseconds : WORD; (* 0..59.999ms = 60sec = 1min *)
IVResMinute : BYTE; (* Bit 7 = IV (invalid time), Bit 6 = Res (spare bit), Bit 0..5 = Minutes (0..59min) *)
SURes2Hour : BYTE; (* Bit 7 = SU (1=summer time, 0=normal time), Bits 5..6 = Res2, Bits 0..4 = Hours (0..23) *)
DOWDay : BYTE; (* Bits 5..7 = Day of week (1..7, not used 0 !!!), Bits 0..4 = Day of month (1..31)*)
Res3Month : BYTE; (* Bits 4..7 = Res3 (spare bits), Bits 0..3 = Month (1..12) *)
Res4Year : BYTE; (* Bit 7 = Res4, Bits 0..6 = Year (0..99) *)
Wochentag (DOW): 1 = Montag, 7 = Sonntag, 0 = wird nicht benutzt;
Sommerzeit (SU): 1 = Sommerzeit, 0 = Normalzeit;
Entwicklungsumgebung | Zielplattform | Einzubindende SPS Bibliotheken |
TwinCAT v2.9.0 Build >= 1030 | PC oder CX (x86) | TcIEC870_5_101.Lib ( Standard.Lib; TcBase.Lib; TcSystem.Lib; TcUtilities.Lib; werden automatisch eingebunden ) |
TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301 | CX (ARM) |