TYPE E_OCPP1_Reason : ( None := 0, // Any status not covered by this implementation DeAuthorized, // The transaction was stopped because of the authorization status in a StartTransaction response EmergencyStop, // Emergency stop button was used. EVDisconnected, // Disconnecting of cable, vehicle moved away from inductive charge unit. HardReset, // A hard reset command was received. Local, // Stopped locally on request of the user at the Charge Point. Other, // Any other reason. PowerLoss, // Complete loss of power. Reboot, // A locally initiated reset / reboot occurred. (for instance watchdog kicked in) Remote, // Stopped remotely on request of the user. This is a regular termination of a transaction. SoftReset, // A soft reset command was received. UnlockCommand // Central System sent an Unlock Connector command. ) UDINT; END_TYPE