TYPE E_OCPP1_ChargePointError : ( None := 0, // Any status not covered by this implementation NoError, // No error to report. ConnectorLockFailure, // Failure to lock or unlock connector. EVCommunicationError, // Communication failure with the vehicle, might be Mode 3 or other communication protocol problem. GroundFailure, // Ground fault circuit interrupter has been activated. HighTemperature, // Temperature inside Charge Point is too high. InternalError, // Error in internal hard - or software component. LocalListConflict, // The authorization information received from the Central System is in conflict with the LocalAuthorizationList. OverCurrentFailure, // Over current protection device has tripped. OverVoltage, // Voltage has risen above an acceptable level. PowerMeterFailure, // Failure to read electrical / energy / power meter. PowerSwitchFailure, // Failure to control power switch. ReaderFailure, // Failure with idTag reader. ResetFailure, // Unable to perform a reset. UnderVoltage, // Voltage has dropped below an acceptable level. WeakSignal, // Wireless communication device reports a weak signal. OtherError // Other type of error.More information in vendorErrorCode. ) UDINT; END_TYPE