ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface

Provides an interface to asynchronously communicate with the TwinCAT HMI server.

Namespace:  TcHmiSrv.Core
Assembly:  TcHmiSrvExtNet.Core (in TcHmiSrvExtNet.Core.dll) Version:



public interface ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost

The ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost type exposes the following members.





ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 1:


Deletes a Value from the configuration of the TwinCAT HMI server extension.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 2:


Deletes a Value from the configuration of the TwinCAT HMI server extension as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 3:

Execute(Context., Command.)

Executes a single Command in the domain of the specified Context.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 4:

Execute(Context., CommandGroup.)

Executes the specified CommandGroup inside any domain.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 5:

ExecuteAsync(Context, Command)

Executes a single Command in the domain of the specified Context as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 6:

ExecuteAsync(Context, CommandGroup)

Executes the specified CommandGroup inside any domain as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 7:


Gets the configuration Value at the specified path.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 8:


Gets the configuration Value at the specified path as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 9:


Localizes an ILocalizable.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 10:


Localizes an ILocalizable as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 11:


Sends a notification if an Alarm has changed.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 12:


Sends a notification if an Alarm has changed as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 13:

RegisterListener(Context, IListener)

Registers the specified IListener at the TwinCAT HMI server.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 14:

RegisterListener(Context, IListener, Value)

Registers the specified IListener at the TwinCAT HMI server using the specified settings.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 15:

RegisterListenerAsync(Context, IListener)

Registers the specified IListener at the TwinCAT HMI server as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 16:

RegisterListenerAsync(Context, IListener, Value)

Registers the specified IListener at the TwinCAT HMI server using the specified settings as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 17:


Sends a notification if an Alarm should be removed.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 18:


Sends a notification if an Alarm should be removed as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 19:


Renames a Value in the configuration of the TwinCAT HMI server extension.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 20:


Renames a Value in the configuration of the TwinCAT HMI server extension as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 21:


Replaces a Value in the configuration of the TwinCAT HMI server extension.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 22:


Replaces a Value in the configuration of the TwinCAT HMI server extension as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 23:


Triggers a refresh of the list of events provided by a TwinCAT HMI server extension that implements the AlarmProviderListener.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 24:


Triggers a refresh of the list of events provided by a TwinCAT HMI server extension that implements the AlarmProviderListener as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 25:

Send(Context, Event.)

Adds or updates an Event.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 26:

Send(Context, Message)

Adds a Message.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 27:

Send(Context, Event., EventLifetime)

Adds or updates an Event.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 28:

Send(Context, Message, EventLifetime)

Adds a Message.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 29:

SendAsync(Context, Event)

Adds or updates an Event as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 30:

SendAsync(Context, Message)

Adds a Message as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 31:

SendAsync(Context, Event, EventLifetime)

Adds or updates an Event as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 32:

SendAsync(Context, Message, EventLifetime)

Adds a Message as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 33:


Adds a Value to a map or vector in the configuration of the TwinCAT HMI server extension or updates an existing configuration Value.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 34:


Adds a Value to a map or vector in the configuration of the TwinCAT HMI server extension or updates an existing configuration Value as an asynchronous operation.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 35:


Unregisters the specified IListener at the TwinCAT HMI server.

ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost Interface 36:


Unregisters the specified IListener at the TwinCAT HMI server as an asynchronous operation.


TcHmiSrv.Core Namespace