Keeper Info
Beim Lesen der Keeper-Info (ControlNet-Spec. Part 10, Kapitel 241) werden die folgenden Daten in der ADS-Read-Response zurückgegeben:
Offset | Attribute |
0x00 | Keeper-State (ControlNet-Spec. Part 10, Kapitel 241, Tabelle 10-229) |
0x01 | Reserved |
| Current Network Parameters (ControlNet-Spec. Part 10, Kapitel 241, Tabelle 10-228, Attribute-ID 255) |
0x02 | NUT-Interval |
0x04 | Maximum Scheduled Mac ID |
0x05 | Maximum Unscheduled Mac ID |
0x06 | Slot-Time |
0x07 | Blanking-Time |
0x08 | Guard Band Start |
0x09 | Guard Band Center |
0x0A | Reserved |
0x0C | Interval Count Modulus |
0x0D | Guard Band Pre-Start |
| current Table Unique Identifier (ControlNet-Spec. Part 10, Kapitel 241, Tabelle 10-228, Attribute-ID 258) |
0x0E | TUI-Unique ID |
0x12 | TUI-Status flag (ControlNet-Spec. Part 10, Kapitel 241, Tabelle 10-231) |
0x14 | MAC-Id of the node broadcasting the TUI |
0x15 | reserved |
0x16 | Vendor-Id of object holding the network resource |
0x18 | Serial Number of object holding the network resource |
0x1C | Class of object holding the network resource |
0x20 | Instance of object holding the network resource |