How to scan devices and boxes
When creating a new configuration, it is often necessary to align the TwinCAT XAE configuration to the actually available hardware. One option to fulfill this is to start a new TwinCAT XAE configuration from scratch and process the following steps: Creation of a new TwinCAT XAE configuration
- Setting the address of the target system
- Scan of the available devices
- Addition and parametrization of the devices to be used
- Scanning and insertion of boxes for each device
The procedure to create the ITcSysManager interface (the 'systemManager' instance here) is described in the chapter Accessing TwinCAT Configurations. This interface has a LookupTreeItem method that returns a ITcSmTreeItem pointer to a specific tree item given by its pathname, in this case the shortcut "TIID" which references the I/O devices node.
Code snippet (C#):
ITcSysManager3 systemManager = null; // How to create the System Manager instance and how to open configuration is shown in Concepts chapter
public void ScanDevicesAndBoxes()
systemManager.SetTargetNetId(""); // Setting of the target NetId.
ITcSmTreeItem ioDevicesItem = systemManager.LookupTreeItem("TIID"); // Get The IO Devices Node
// Scan Devices (Be sure that the target system is in Config mode!)
string scannedXml = ioDevicesItem.ProduceXml(false); // Produce Xml implicitly starts the ScanDevices on this node.
XmlDocument xmlDoc = newXmlDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml(scannedXml); // Loads the Xml data into an XML Document
XmlNodeList xmlDeviceList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("TreeItem/DeviceGrpDef/FoundDevices/Device");
List<ITcSmTreeItem> devices = newList<ITcSmTreeItem>();
int deviceCount = 0;
// Add all found devices to configuration
foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDeviceList)
// Add a selection or subrange of devices
int itemSubType = int.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode("ItemSubType").InnerText);
string typeName = node.SelectSingleNode("ItemSubTypeName").InnerText;
XmlNode xmlAddress = node.SelectSingleNode("AddressInfo");
ITcSmTreeItem device = ioDevicesItem.CreateChild(string.Format("Device_{0}",++deviceCount),itemSubType,string.Empty,null);
string xml = string.Format("<TreeItem><DeviceDef>{0}</DeviceDef></TreeItem>",xmlAddress.OuterXml);
device.ConsumeXml(xml); // Consume Xml Parameters (here the Address of the Device)
// Scan all added devices for attached boxes
foreach (ITcSmTreeItem device in devices)
string xml = "<TreeItem><DeviceDef><ScanBoxes>1</ScanBoxes></DeviceDef></TreeItem>"; // Using the "ScanBoxes XML-Method"
device.ConsumeXml(xml); // Consume starts the ScanBoxes and inserts every found box/terminal into the configuration
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Warning: {0}",ex.Message);
foreach (ITcSmTreeItem box in device)
Code snippet (IronPython):
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Create the System Manage
instance “sysMan” first
ioDevicesItem = sysMan.LookupTreeItem("TIID") # Get the IO Devices Node
scannedXml = ioDevicesItem.ProduceXml(False) # Produce Xml implicitly starts the ScanDevices on this node
xmlDoc = ET.fromstring(scannedXml) # Loads the Xml data into an XML Document
xmlDeviceList = xmlDoc.findall("./DeviceGrpDef/FoundDevices/Device")
devices = [] # Container to store Scanned devices
deviceCount = 0
# Add the Scanned devices
for device in xmlDeviceList:
typeName = device.findtext("ItemSubTypeName")
itemSubType = device.findtext("ItemSubType")
xmlAddress = device.find("AddressInfo")
deviceCount = deviceCount + 1;
device = ioDevicesItem.CreateChild("Device_" + str(deviceCount) + typeName, itemSubType,"",None)
xml = "<TreeItem><DeviceDef>" + ET.tostring(xmlAddress) + "</DeviceDef></TreeItem>"
device.ConsumeXml(xml); # Consumes Xml Parameters (here the Address of the Device)
for device in devices:
xml = "<TreeItem><DeviceDef><ScanBoxes>true</ScanBoxes></DeviceDef></TreeItem>"
print device.ConsumeXml(xml) # Consumes starts the ScanBoxes and inserts every found box/Terminal into the config
print "Scan Failed!"
for box in device:
print box.Name