How to activate a previously created configuration


To activate a previously created configuration, an instance of the TwinCAT System Manager must be created, the configuration has to be loaded and activated.


The ProgId "TCatSysManager.TcSysManager" can be used to create an instance of the System Manager that implements the ITcSysManager interface. This interface allows same basic operations with TwinCAT configurations. 

Sample (vbscript):

dim tsm
set tsm = CreateObject("TCatSysManager.TcSysManager")
call tsm.OpenConfiguration("c:\twincat\myConfig.wsm")
call tsm.ActivateConfiguration

Sample (javascript):

var tsm
tsm = ActiveXObject("TCatSysManager.TcSysManager");

See Also

How to... section, ITcSysManager

Built on Tuesday, Mai 01, 2001