The ProduceXml() method returns a XML string with item specific information and parameter.
HRESULT ProduceXml(VARIANT_BOOLbRecursive,
bRecursive | [in, defaultvalue(0)] Optional parameter for future use. |
pXML | [out, retval] Contains the XML representation of the item specific data and parameter. |
Return Values
S_OK | function returns successfully. |
E_POINTER | pXML pointer is invalid. |
The following XML string is an incomplete example of the resulting information if the tree item is a I/O device of the type SERCOS Master/Slave FC750x. This string can be used as input for the IXMLDOMDocument::loadXML method to create a XML DOM document.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ItemName>Device 1 (FC750x)</ItemName>
<PathName>TIID^Device 1 (FC750x)</PathName>
<ItemSubTypeName>SERCOS Master/Slave FC750x, PCI [Beckhoff FC7502 PCI]</ItemSubTypeName>