Each tree item in a TwinCAT XAE configuration is represented by an instance of the ITcSmTreeItem interface, which enables various interactions with the tree item.
A tree item of this interface will be, for example, returned by calling the ITCatSysManager::LookupTreeItem method, which is used to navigate through the tree.
ITcSmTreeItem Property | Type | Access | Description |
Name | BSTR | RW | Name of tree item |
Comment | BSTR | RW | Comment. |
Disabled | BOOL | RW | Get/Set state of tree item which can be one of the following enum values:
PathName | BSTR | R | Path of tree item in TwinCAT XAE. The branches are separated by '^'. The PathName may be used in other method calls, e.g. ITCatSysManager::LookupTreeItem. Please note that this property uniquely identifies a tree item in TwinCAT XAE. |
ItemType | ENUM | R | Categorization of a tree item, e.g. Devices, Boxes, PLC, ... . As defined by item types. |
ItemSubType | LONG | RW | Sub type of a tree item. |
Parent | ITcSmTreeItem* | R | Pointer to the parent tree item. |
ChildCount | LONG | R | Number of childs. Childs counted by this property enclose only main childs of the tree item (e.g. boxes are main childs of a device but not the device process image). To access all childs use the _NewEnum property. |
Child(LONG n) | ITcSmTreeItem* | R | ITcSmTreeItem pointer of the n-th child |
VarCount((LONG x) | LONG | R | Number of variables belonging to the tree item. x = 0 counted the input variables, x = 1 the outputs |
Var(LONG x, LONG n) | ITcSmTreeItem* | R | ITcSmTreeItem pointer of the n-th variable. x = 0 uses the input variables, x = 1 the outputs |
_NewEnum | IUnknown* (IEnumVariant*) | R | Returns a enum interface that enumerates all child tree items of the current tree item. This property may be used, for example, by a For-Each statement. |
ITcSmTreeItem Methods | Description | Available since |
Creates a child tree item. | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
Deletes a child tree item. | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
Imports a child item from the clipboard or a previously exported file. | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
Exports a child item to the clipboard or a file. | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
Returns a String containing the XML representation of the item, with all its item-specific data and parameters. | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
Consumes a String containing the XML representation of the tree item, with all its item-specific data and parameters. | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
Gets the error message of the last erroneous ConsumeXml() call. | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
Searches for a child with the specified relative path. | TwinCAT 2.11 |
ITcSmTreeItem2 Methods | Description | Available since |
For interal use only | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
Changes the SubType of the ITcSmTreeItem. | TwinCAT 2.11 | |
For internal use only | TwinCAT 2.11 |
ITcSmTreeItem3 Methods | Description | Available since |
Compares the actual ITcSmTreeItem to the specified other. | TwinCAT 2.11 |
Version information
Required TwinCAT version |
This interface is supported in TwinCAT 2.11 and above |
- ITcSmTreeItem Item Types
- ITcSmTreeItem Item Sub Types
- ITcSmTreeItem::ProduceXml
- ITcSmTreeItem::ConsumeXml
- ITcSmTreeItem::CreateChildITcSmTreeItem
- ITcSmTreeItem::DeleteChild
- ITcSmTreeItem::ImportChild
- ITcSmTreeItem::ExportChild
- ITcSmTreeItem::LookupChild
- ITcSmTreeItem2::ResourcesCount
- ITcSmTreeItem::ChangeChildSubType
- ITcSmTreeItem2::ClaimResources
- ITcSmTreeItem3::CompareItem
- ITcSmTreeItem::GetLastXmlError