Configuration of the TwinCAT ADS WebServices on a PC (in this example: Windows XP)

The required components for the ADS-WebService are comming with installation of  :

necessary files:

To set up the TwinCAT ADS WebService the following files are needed (can be found in "C:\TwinCAT\ADS Api\TcAdsWebService\V100\xp\"):

This example explains the configuration on Windows XP. On other windows operation systems this configuration may differ in some aspects. 

Creation of a new "Virtual Directory" in the IIS (Internet Information Service)

1. Open the "Internet Information Services" (in "Control Panel/Administrative Tools/").
2. Right-click in the tree-view on the righthand side on "Default Web Site".
3. Select "New/Virtual Directory...".
Configuration of the TwinCAT ADS WebServices on a PC (in this example: Windows XP) 1:
4.  Click "Next".
Configuration of the TwinCAT ADS WebServices on a PC (in this example: Windows XP) 2:
5.  Insert "TcAdsWebService" as the alias and click "Next".
Configuration of the TwinCAT ADS WebServices on a PC (in this example: Windows XP) 3:
6.  Insert the directory of the TwinCAT ADS Web Services (usually "C:\TwinCAT\ADS Api\TcAdsWebService\V100\xp\"). You can use the "Browse..."-Button to find this folder.
7. After that click the "Next"-button.
Configuration of the TwinCAT ADS WebServices on a PC (in this example: Windows XP) 4:
8.  Check "Read", "Run scripts" and "Execute" and click "Next".
Configuration of the TwinCAT ADS WebServices on a PC (in this example: Windows XP) 5:
9.  To complete the configuration of the TwinCAT ADS Web Service click "Finish".
Ready. The ADS WebService is now fully operational.

Configuration of the TwinCAT ADS WebServices on a PC (in this example: Windows XP) 6: