Install TwinCAT ADS Webservice on a PC (here: Windows 7)

This chapter describes the IIS configuration required for the TwinCAT ADS Webservice running on Windows 7. (Please note: The configuration can differ for other Windows operating systems).


The TwinCAT ADS Webservice is delivered by the default TwinCAT installation. This chapter describes how to configure Internet Information Service 7.

Step 1: Installing IIS7

By default, IIS7 is not part of the Windows 7 installation. Therefore you need to add this functionality manually. For more information see 

Install TwinCAT ADS Webservice on a PC (here: Windows 7) 1:

Mandatory IIS7 extensions

When installing IIS7, the following extensions need to be activated:

  • ISAPI Extensions
  • ISAPI Filters
    Install TwinCAT ADS Webservice on a PC (here: Windows 7) 2:

Step 2: Create "Virtual Directory" in IIS7 (Internet Information Service)

Usually, this step will be performed automatically by the Setup.



Step 3: Testing TwinCAT ADS Webservice configuration

The URL of the TwinCAT ADS Webservice on the PC system can be accessed locally or from a remote computer. In both cases, open the web browser (e.g. Internet explorer) and enter the URL of the TwinCAT ADS Webservice, for example:

http://<ip-adress or name of PC device>/tcadswebservice/tcadswebservice.dll


The TwinCAT ADS Webservice will reply with a status page containing the portnr and netid. If you see this page, the installation and configuration of the ADS Webservice has been successful.
Install TwinCAT ADS Webservice on a PC (here: Windows 7) 9:

Install TwinCAT ADS Webservice on a PC (here: Windows 7) 10:

In case of problems (like receiving no HTML status data), please check, if your system uses a proxy server. After deactivating the proxy and reloading the URL, the TwinCAT ADS Webservice should reply with the status info above.