
The ClientAccessPolicyProvider is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service which provides access to the ClientAccessPolicy.xml via HTTP Get on the defined base addresses.

If a web client makes a call to a WCF service like the TcAdsService, it will ask for the ClientAccessPolicy.xml file to determine whether cross domain access to this resource is allowed or not.

Web clients connected over Net.Tcp are requesting the ClientAccessPolicy.xml on port 80.

If the Internet Information Services (IIS) are running, they will listening for ClientAccessPolicy.xml request on port 80.
In this case the ClientAccessPolicy.xml has to be placed in the wwwroot directory. The default path is: "C:\Intepub\wwwroot\".

If the Internet Information Services (IIS) are not installed the ClientAccessPolicyProvider has to be listening on port 80. Therefore the base address "http://localhost:80/" has to be added to the App.config of the TcAdsWcfHost.exe application. Thebase address of the ClientAccessPolicyProvider servicemustalso beadjusted if the default base addresses of the TcAdsService have changed.