Read PLC variable declaration with Visual Basic
From TwinCAT.Ads.NET version >=
All variables that are declared in the PLC should be displayed in a tree view.
In theMainForm_Loadmethod an instance of the TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader is created with a call to TcAdsClient.CreateSymbolInfoLoader. This class is responsible for loading the symbol information from the PLC. By clicking the Load Symbols button the symbols are loaded by means of the TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader.GetFirstSymbol method. This method returns the first loaded symbol as a TcAdsSymbolInfo object. The methods TcAdsSymbolInfo.NextSymbol und TcAdsSymbolInfo.FirstSubSymbol are used to iterate over the symbols and to display the symbols hierarchically in the tree view. If the check box flat is checked, the symbols are displayed in a flat list. In this case the application enumerates over the symbols loaded by the TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader object. This includes the sub symbols.
By selecting a tree view item, the edit boxes are filled with the symbol information. Additionally the value of the variable is read with the help of TcAdClient.ReadSymbol and is displayed in the value edit box. To write a value to a variable one has to click the Write Value button, which leads to a call of TcAdsCient.WriteSymbol.
To read the symbol information for a specific variable, one can either click the Read Symbol Info or the Find Symbol button. In the first case the method TcAdsClient.ReadSymbolInfo is called. This leads to an ADS call, to load the information for this symbol from the PLC. In the second case the method TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader.FindSymbol is called, to search for the symbol in the list of the previous loaded symbols. If no symbols have been loaded before, all symbols are loaded from the PLC.

Visual Basic (for .NET framework) program
Imports TwinCAT.Ads
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
#End Region
Private symbolLoader As TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader
Private adsClient As TcAdsClient
Private currentSymbol As ITcAdsSymbol = Nothing
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
adsClient = New TcAdsClient
symbolLoader = adsClient.CreateSymbolInfoLoader()
Catch err As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
Dim node As TreeNode
If (Not cbFlat.Checked) Then
Dim symbol As TcAdsSymbolInfo
symbol = symbolLoader.GetFirstSymbol(True)
While (Not symbol Is Nothing)
symbol = symbol.NextSymbol
End While
For Each symbol As TcAdsSymbolInfo In symbolLoader
node = New TreeNode(symbol.Name)
node.Tag = symbol
End If
Catch err As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnReadSymbolInfo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReadSymbolInfo.Click
Dim symbol As ITcAdsSymbol
symbol = adsClient.ReadSymbolInfo(tbSymbolname.Text)
If (symbol Is Nothing) Then
MessageBox.Show("Symbol " + tbSymbolname.Text + " not found")
End If
Call SetSymbolInfo(symbol)
Catch err As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnFindSymbol_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFindSymbol.Click
Dim symbol As ITcAdsSymbol
symbol = symbolLoader.FindSymbol(tbSymbolname.Text)
If (symbol Is Nothing) Then
MessageBox.Show("Symbol " + tbSymbolname.Text + " not found")
End If
Call SetSymbolInfo(symbol)
Catch err As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub treeViewSymbols_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) Handles treeViewSymbols.AfterSelect
If (e.Node.Text.Length > 0) Then
If (TypeOf e.Node.Tag Is TcAdsSymbolInfo) Then
SetSymbolInfo(DirectCast(e.Node.Tag, ITcAdsSymbol))
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnWrite_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnWrite.Click
If (Not currentSymbol Is Nothing) Then
adsClient.WriteSymbol(currentSymbol, tbValue.Text)
End If
Catch err As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Unable to write Value. " + err.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Function CreateNewNode(ByVal symbol As TcAdsSymbolInfo) As TreeNode
Dim node As TreeNode
Dim subsymbol As TcAdsSymbolInfo
node = New TreeNode(symbol.Name)
node.Tag = symbol
subsymbol = symbol.FirstSubSymbol
While (Not subsymbol Is Nothing)
subsymbol = subsymbol.NextSymbol
End While
Return node
End Function
Private Sub SetSymbolInfo(ByVal symbol As ITcAdsSymbol)
currentSymbol = symbol
tbName.Text = symbol.Name.ToString()
tbIndexGroup.Text = symbol.IndexGroup.ToString()
tbIndexOffset.Text = symbol.IndexOffset.ToString()
tbSize.Text = symbol.Size.ToString()
tbDatatype.Text = symbol.Type
tbDatatypeId.Text = symbol.Datatype.ToString()
tbValue.Text = adsClient.ReadSymbol(symbol).ToString()
Catch err As AdsDatatypeNotSupportedException
tbValue.Text = err.Message
Catch err As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Unable to read Symbol Info. " + err.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
PLC program
REAL32_1 AT %MB0 : REAL; (* 1 *)
REAL32_2 AT %MB4 : REAL; (* 2 *)
REAL32_3 AT %MB8 : REAL; (* 3 *)
REAL32_4 AT %MB12: REAL; (* 4 *)
REAL32_5 AT %MB16: REAL; (* 5 *)
REAL64_1 AT %MB20 : LREAL; (* 6 *)
REAL64_2 AT %MB28 : LREAL; (* 7 *)
REAL64_3 AT %MB36 : LREAL; (* 8 *)
REAL64_4 AT %MB44 : LREAL; (* 9 *)
REAL64_5 AT %MB52 : LREAL; (* 10 *)
INT32_1 AT %MB60 : DINT; (* 11 *)
INT32_2 AT %MB64 : DINT; (* 12 *)
INT32_3 AT %MB68 : DINT; (* 13 *)
INT32_4 AT %MB72 : DINT; (* 14 *)
INT32_5 AT %MB76 : DINT; (* 15 *)
UINT32_1 AT %MB80 : UDINT; (* 16 *)
UINT32_2 AT %MB84 : UDINT; (* 17 *)
UINT32_3 AT %MB88 : UDINT; (* 18 *)
UINT32_4 AT %MB92 : UDINT; (* 19 *)
UINT32_5 AT %MB96 : UDINT; (* 20 *)
INT16_1 AT %MB100 : INT; (* 21 *)
INT16_2 AT %MB102 : INT; (* 22 *)
INT16_3 AT %MB104 : INT; (* 23 *)
INT16_4 AT %MB106 : INT; (* 24 *)
INT16_5 AT %MB108 : INT; (* 25 *)
UINT16_1 AT %MB110 : UINT; (* 26 *)
UINT16_2 AT %MB112 : UINT; (* 27 *)
UINT16_3 AT %MB114 : UINT; (* 28 *)
UINT16_4 AT %MB116 : UINT; (* 29 *)
UINT16_5 AT %MB118 : UINT; (* 30 *)
INT8_1 AT %MB120 : SINT; (* 31 *)
INT8_2 AT %MB121 : SINT; (* 32 *)
INT8_3 AT %MB122 : SINT; (* 33 *)
INT8_4 AT %MB123 : SINT; (* 34 *)
INT8_5 AT %MB124 : SINT; (* 35 *)
UINT8_1 AT %MB125 : USINT; (* 36 *)
UINT8_2 AT %MB126 : USINT; (* 37 *)
UINT8_3 AT %MB128 : USINT; (* 38 *)
UINT8_4 AT %MB129 : USINT; (* 39 *)
UINT8_5 AT %MB130 : USINT; (* 40 *)
BOOL_1 AT %MX131.0 : BOOL; (* 41 *)
BOOL_2 AT %MX131.1 : BOOL; (* 42 *)
BOOL_3 AT %MX131.2 : BOOL; (* 43 *)
BOOL_4 AT %MX131.3 : BOOL; (* 44 *)
BOOL_5 AT %MX131.4 : BOOL; (* 45 *)
ARRAY_1 : ARRAY[1 .. 10] OF SINT; (* 46 *)
ARRAY_2 : ARRAY[1 .. 10] OF INT; (* 47 *)
ARRAY_3 : ARRAY[1 .. 10] OF DINT; (* 48 *)
ARRAY_4 : ARRAY[1 .. 10] OF LREAL; (* 49 *)
ARRAY_5 : ARRAY[1 .. 10] OF BOOL; (* 50 *)