Mapping Area
The top part of the SDS Editor is used for the linking of the alias device to a physical terminal.
On the left of this area, the safe address of the device can be configured. Each device within a TwinSAFE configuration has to have a unique safe address (see manuals of the corresponding safety devices). The right part of this area handles the actual linking. With a click on the allows the choosing of a terminal of the I/O-configuration. A click on
removes the linking. When choosing "Device is an external device" no local terminal can be chosen, as non-local devices are only identified with help of the safe address. The field "Dip-Switch" shows the safe address currently configured on the dip switch of the actual hardware terminal (if the terminal is available). The left arrow button allows the easy adaption of the software safe address within the safety project. Both addresses must be the same in order to be able to actually download and run a safety project.
Alias devices, which where added by importing the devices directly from the I/O-configuration, are already mapped to the corresponding physical terminals (the safe address configuration is done according to the present dip switch configuration on the hardware terminal).