Check succeeded installation

To check that the TcXaeMgmt Module can be loaded successfully and is operational type:

PS > get-module TcXaeMgmt –listavailable

Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Binary 3.1.1122 TcXaeMgmt {Add-AdsRoute, Close-TcSession, Copy-AdsFile, Get-AdsRoute...}

Now the contained cmdlets can be accessed:

PS> get-command -module TcXaeMgmt

CommandType Name
----------- ----
Cmdlet Add-AdsRoute
Cmdlet Close-TcSession
Cmdlet Copy-AdsFile
Cmdlet Get-AdsRoute
Cmdlet Get-AdsState
Cmdlet Get-TcDataType
Cmdlet Get-TcSession
Cmdlet Get-TcSymbol
Cmdlet Get-TcTargetInfo
Cmdlet Get-TcVersion
Cmdlet New-TcSession
Cmdlet Read-TcValue
Cmdlet Remove-AdsRoute
Cmdlet Set-AdsState
Cmdlet Test-AdsRoute
Cmdlet Write-TcValue

PS> get-adsstate

Name State OK Time (ms) Address
--------- ----- -- --------- -------
CX_000001 Run True 2

Help is included for an overview of the features and concepts:

PS > get-help about_TcXaeMgmt

Or for specific Cmdlet information:

PS > get-help Read-TcValue –full