Get information about a TwinCAT device

Getting information from Broadcast Search

PS> Get-AdsRoute -Name CX-1CEEDA -All
Name            NetId               Address       Sub Version   RTSystem
----            -----               -------       --- -------   --------
CX-1CEEDA     3.1.4020  Win7

Getting extended information about the Hardware, Image and OS

PS> Get-TcTargetInfo

Target  NetId            Version    OS    Image Device CPUArch SystemId                             Fingerprint
------  -----            -------    --    ----- ------ ------- --------                             -----------
CX_1111  3.1.4026.2 Win10              AMD64   5b42297a-a9dd-6623-1780-e52074e54f71 2f72d63cba3069b5e1…

Getting TwinCAT License information

PS> $session = New-TcSession -Route TC3TESTA1-CP67X -Port 30
PS> Get-TcLicense -Status All -name *scope* -session $session

Name                        Valid ValidityCode ExpireTime   Available Used VolumeNo
----                        ----- ------------ ----------   ---------   ---- --------
TC3 Scope Server                X        Valid            CPU License      0        0
TC3 Scope View Professional     X        Valid            CPU License      0        0

Create a session to the License Server on target 'TC3TESTA1-CP67X' and return all valid and invalid licenses that contain 'scope' in their name.

Getting actual TwinCAT Router information of a target system

PS> Get-TcRouterInfo

Target  Result TotalMem(kb)  AvailMem(kb)  Ports Drivers Transports Mailbox Size(kb)  Mailbox Queue
------  ------ ------------- ------------- ----- ------- ---------- ----------------- -------------
CX_1234 Ok     32768         32759         31    4       11         0                 0

Get router information from the local system.