
PS> New-PSDrive -name CX_01234 -PSProvider AdsFileProvider -Address CX_01234 -Root ''
PS> dir CX_01234:

Mode             LastWriteTime                    Length     Name
----             -------------                    ------     ----
d----            30.11.2021 16:11:31                         BootDir
d----            03.12.2021 01:17:20                         BootProject
d----            17.03.2021 14:33:53                         ConfigDir
d----            03.12.2021 01:17:20                         Generic
d----            18.06.2021 08:00:22                         InstallDir
d----            03.12.2021 01:17:20                         RepositoryDir
d----            03.12.2021 15:32:03                         TargetDir

> cd CX_01234:/BootDir

PS CX_01234:\BootDir> dir

Mode             LastWriteTime                    Length     Name
----             -------------                    ------     ----
d----            05.10.2021 10:36:34                         CurrentConfig
-a---            05.10.2021 10:36:34              4563       CurrentConfig.tszip
-a---            05.10.2021 10:36:34              17113      CurrentConfig.xml
-a---            30.11.2021 16:11:31              126976     LoggedEvents.db
d----            27.10.2021 11:32:43                         Plc

More Information about Providers

PS> get-help about_providers

Example: Create a new AdsFileProvider Drive to the TwinCAT Device CX_01234

> New-PSDrive -name CX_01234 -PSProvider AdsFileProvider -Address CX_01234 -Root ''

Name           Used (GB)     Free (GB) Provider        Root                 CurrentLocation
----           ---------     --------- --------        ----------           ---------------
CX_01234                               AdsFileProvider \TargetDir

Example: Browse the files on the TwinCAT Device CX_01234

> dir

Mode             LastWriteTime                    Length     Name
----             -------------                    ------     ----
d----            26.11.2021 17:44:27                         CACerts
-a---            14.03.2012 14:50:50              619        DefaultConfig.xml
d----            11.05.2021 14:42:45                         License
d----            18.06.2021 08:01:03                         Resource
d----            17.03.2021 15:15:51                         Routes
d----            18.06.2021 08:00:33                         StartMenuAdmin
d----            17.03.2021 14:33:35                         StartUp
-a---            30.11.2021 18:46:08              2253       StaticRoutes.xml
-a---            01.02.2012 16:42:58              494        TargetFeatures.xml
-a---            17.03.2021 14:42:50              3113       TcSelfSigned.xml

Example: Read the content of the StaticRouts.xml on target CX_01234

r> get-content .\StaticRoutes.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TcConfig xmlns:xsi="">
                        <Tls IgnoreCn="true">
                        <Tls IgnoreCn="true">