IAnyTypeMarshaler.Unmarshal Method

Overload List




IAnyTypeMarshaler.Unmarshal Method 1:

Unmarshal.T.(ReadOnlySpan.Byte., Encoding, T.)

Unmarshals the source data to an managed value of the specified type. (Inherited from IGenericTypeMarshaler.)

IAnyTypeMarshaler.Unmarshal Method 2:

Unmarshal(Type, ReadOnlySpan.Byte., Encoding, Object.)

Unmarshals the specified managed type from memory / span (Inherited from ITypeMarshaler.)

IAnyTypeMarshaler.Unmarshal Method 3:

Unmarshal(Type, .Int32., ReadOnlySpan.Byte., Encoding, Object.)

Unmarshals the source data to an managed value of the specified type.


IAnyTypeMarshaler Interface

TwinCAT.TypeSystem Namespace