Version 5.X

Beckhoff.TwinCAT.Ads Package Version 5.0

Microsoft support for .NET5 ends with May 8, 2022. Therefore it is recommended to update Beckhoff.TwinCAT packages from Version 5 to Version 6 because this version is outdated.

Therefore, although .net50 is still operational and can still downloaded from Microsoft, it is not recommended to use the Series 5.X package for new application releases anymore. This package is not under active development anymore and should be replaced by the Version 6.X series as soon as possible.

It supports TwinCAT version>= 3.1.4024.10 running on the same Device. TwinCAT versions <3.1.4024.10 are not supported! There are no limitations with remote TwinCAT Systems. For accessing TwinCAT2 locally, please use Version 4.X.

Different Operating Systems like Linux or MacOS are supported beneath windows.

This package contains multi-platform binaries for net50, netstandard2.0, net461, netcoreapp3.1 so that many flavors of applications and Operation systems can be covered. For more information please see the Microsoft documentation.

Key characteristics

Hints for upgrading packages to version 6.0

Migrate from ASP.NET Core 5.0 to 6.0.

Migrating to the latest .NET.

Microsoft .NET support lifecycle.

Other Resources

Version History