Übersicht der Fehlercodes
Ein Fehlercode setzt sich aus zwei Teilen zusammen. Die Fehlercode-Gruppe, welche sich durch die oberen zwei Bytes ergibt, beschreibt die Art des aufgetretenen Fehlers.
Fehlercode-Gruppe | Art des Fehlers |
0x EC81 xxxx | Fehlercodes der Tc3_IPCDiag SPS-Bibliothek |
0x ECA6 xxxx | Allgemeine IPC Diagnose Fehlercodes |
0x ECA7 xxxx | API-Fehlercodes (Win32, TwinCAT/BSD, TC/RTOS error codes) |
0x ECA8 xxxx | ADS-Fehlercodes (TwinCAT ADS error codes) |
0x ECAF xxxx | Modulabhängige Fehlernummern |
Fehlercodes der Tc3_IPCDiag SPS-Bibliothek
Code | Bedeutung |
0xEC810001 | invalid module list (initialization of IPCDiag required) |
0xEC810002 | module of parameter is unavailable (not existing) |
0xEC810003 | parameter is unavailable (not existing) |
0xEC810004 | no valid value available (reading is probably pending) |
0xEC810005 | allocated buffer is invalid (pointer is zero or buffer size is too small) |
0xEC810006 | allocated index is invalid |
Allgemeine IPC Diagnose Fehlercodes
Code | Bedeutung |
0x00000000 | Success - No Error |
0xECA60001 | Fail - Unspecified error |
0xECA60100 | Invalid index |
0xECA60101 | Invalid access |
0xECA60102 | Buffer too small |
0xECA60103 | Type not supported |
0xECA60104 | Out of memory |
0xECA60105 | No data available |
0xECA60106 | Invalid data |
0xECA60107 | Invalid arg |
0xECA60108 | Value out of range |
0xECA60200 | Server is busy |
0xECA60201 | MDP API not initialized |
0xECA60F00 | Not implemented |
0xECA61000 | Not supported |
0xECA60FFF | Unexpected error |
Code | Bedeutung |
0xECA7xxxx | The low word contains an error code from a system call. |
Siehe auch: Win32 Error Codes
Code | Bedeutung |
0xECA8xxxx | The low word contains an ADS result code |
Siehe auch: ADS Return Codes
Modulabhängige Fehlercodes
Code | Modul | Bedeutung |
0xECAF0401 | User Mgmt | User already exists |
0xECAF0402 | User Mgmt | User does not exist |
0xECAF0403 | User Mgmt | Group already exists |
0xECAF0404 | User Mgmt | Group does not exist |
0xECAF0410 | SMB | Server is not installed |
0xECAF0411 | SMB | Share already exists |
0xECAF0412 | SMB | Share does not exist |
0xECAF0420 | TwinCAT | Ads route already exists |
0xECAF0421 | TwinCAT | Ads port could not be opened |
0xECAF0430 | Datastore | A variable with this name already exists |
0xECAF0431 | Datastore | Variable with requested name does not exist |
0xECAF0432 | Datastore | Section with specified name does not exist |
0xECAF0433 | Datastore | The name of the variable was invalid |
0xECAF0440 | Registry | The name of the key (e.g. "HKLM") was invalid |
0xECAF0601 | Display | RESTART/ computer must be restarted for the graphics mode to work |
0xECAF0602 | Display | FAILED/ display driver failed specified graphics mode |
0xECAF0603 | Display | BADMODE/ graphics mode is not supported |
0xECAF0604 | Display | NOTUPDATED/ unable to write settings to the registry |
0xECAF0605 | Display | BADFLAGS/ invalid set of flags |
0xECAF0606 | Display | BADPARAM/ Invalid parameter or invalid combination of flags |
0xECAF0607 | Display | BADDUALVIEW/ System is DualView capable |
0xECAF0608 | Display | Com Port not set |
0xECAF0609 | Display | Invalid Value |
0xECAF0610 | Display | Invalid Command |
0xECAF0611 | Display | Invalid Com Port |
0xECAF0701 | Mass Storage Monitoring | Flashdrive data not available |
0xECAF0702 | Mass Storage Monitoring | Hard disk data not available |