0x0008 - TwinCAT
0x8nn0 – Module Header
SubIndex | Type | Name | Value | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len |
| UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 | VAR | Address | 0x0008 00nn | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
02 | VAR | Type | TwinCAT | VISIBLE STRING | read-only |
03 | VAR | Name | TwinCAT | VISIBLE STRING | read-only |
04 | VAR | Dev Type | 0x0008 2710 | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
0x8nn1 – Tc Misc
SubIndex | Type | Name | Requirements | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len |
| UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 | VAR | Major Version |
| UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
02 | VAR | Minor Version |
| UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
03 | VAR | Build |
| UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
04 | VAR | Ams Net ID1 |
| VISIBLE STRING | read-write |
05 | VAR | Reg Level2 | only for TwinCAT 2 | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
06 | VAR | TwinCAT Status |
| UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
07 | VAR | RunAsDevice | only for WindowsCE | UNSIGNED16 | read-write |
08 | VAR | ShowTargetVisu | only for WindowsCE | UNSIGNED16 | read-write |
09 | VAR | Log File size | only for WindowsCE | UNSIGNED32 | read-write |
10 | VAR | Log File Path | only for WindowsCE | VISIBLE STRING | read-write |
11 | VAR | TwinCAT System ID | MDP version 1.6 or higher | VISIBLE STRING | read-only |
12 | VAR | TwinCAT Revision |
| UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
13 | VAR | Seconds since last TwinCAT status change |
| UNSIGNED64 | read-only |
1 Um eine Änderung der Ams Net ID durchzuführen, ist zusätzlich ein Neustart des Computers erforderlich.
Ab TwinCAT Version >= 3.1.4020.0 wird zum Ändern der Ams Net ID die IPC-Diagnose Version >= benötigt.
2 Reg Level 0 =CP
Reg Level 1 =I/O
Reg Level 2 =PLC
Reg Level 3 =NC-PTP
Reg Level 4 =NCI
0x8nn2 - TwinCAT Route Name
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 .. Len | VAR | name1 .. Len | VISIBLE STRING | read-only |
0x8nn3 - TwinCAT Route Address
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 .. Len | VAR | Address1 .. Len | VISIBLE STRING | read-only |
0x8nn4 - TwinCAT Route AMS Address
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 .. Len | VAR | AMS1 .. Len | VISIBLE STRING | read-only |
0x8nn5 - TwinCAT Route Flags
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 .. Len | VAR | Flags1 .. Len | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
0x8nn6 - TwinCAT Route Timeout
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 .. Len | VAR | Timeout1 .. Len | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
0x8nn7 - TwinCAT Route Transport
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 .. Len | VAR | Transport1 .. Len1 | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
1Der Typ E_RouteTransportType ist im Beckhoff Information System dokumentiert.
0x8nn8 - TwinCAT Logfile
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Logfile | VISIBLE STRING | read-only |
0x8nn9 – TwinCAT Router Information1
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 | VAR | Router Memory Maximum | UNSIGNED64 | read-only |
02 | VAR | Router Memory Available | UNSIGNED64 | read-only |
03 | VAR | Registered Ports | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
04 | VAR | Registered Drivers | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
05 | VAR | Registered Transports | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
06 | VAR | Debug Window – True if Ads Logger is active | BOOLEAN | read-only |
07 | VAR | Mailbox Size | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
08 | VAR | Mailbox Used Entries | UNSIGNED32 | read-only |
1Verfügbar in MDP
0x8nnA – TwinCAT and OS extended Information TcOs1
SubIndex | Type | Name | Type | Access |
00 | VAR | Len | UNSIGNED16 | read-only |
01 | VAR | TwinCAT Heap Memory Maximum – Maximum available Memory for TcOs Instance | UNSIGNED64 | read-only |
02 | VAR | TwinCAT Heap Memory Available – free Memory in TcOs Instance2 | UNSIGNED64 | read-only |
1only supported for TC/RTOS.
2may be fragmented and can therefore likely not be allocated as a single block.
0xBnn0 - TwinCAT Add Route (Service Transfer Object)
InputData | |
Type | Name |
UNSIGNED32 | cbInputData |
UNSIGNED32 | Flags |
UNSIGNED32 | Timeout |
UNSIGNED16 | Transport1 |
BYTE[6] | NetId |
UNSIGNED32 | Name Len |
UNSIGNED32 | Address Len |
char[name Len] | szName |
char[Adresse Len] | szAddress |
1Der Typ E_RouteTransportType ist im Beckhoff Information System dokumentiert.
0xBnn1 - TwinCAT Del Route (Service Transfer Object)
InputData | |
Type | Name |
UNSIGNED32 | NameLen |
char[nameLen] | szName |