FA8B, Feedback "Resolver": Amplitude of the resolver output voltage too large

The amplitude monitoring has determined the maximum value of the resolver output voltage.

Diagnostic Code (Hex.)

Diagnostic Code (Dez.)






Runtime error

Standard Reaction


Open loop ramp

Execute Reset-Command (S-0-0099).

Possible Causes


The resolver cabling is faulty.

Please check the cabling (screen connection, connection hardware, lines and correct attachment of the connectors).

The resolver is faulty.

Please replace the motor.

An unknown hard- or software error has occurred.

Disconnect the servo drive from the mains (including the 24 V power supply) and start a new attempt. If this error occurs repeatedly, please call the Beckhoff branch office that is responsible for you.

The amplitude monitoring is not optimally parametrized.

Please check the parametrization of the amplitude monitoring in IDN "P-0-0150".

You have parametrized an unsupported transformation ratio in IDN "P-0-0150".

Please check the parametrization of the transformation ratio in IDN "P-0-0150".

Further Information

AX5000_IDN-Description: "P-0-0150 -->Process channel-->Data-->Resolver-->Amplitude monitoring-->Max limit" and "P-0-0150-->Transformation ratio"