
IOF_SER_SaveFlash 1:

The “IOF_SER_SaveFlash” function block checks the system parameters located in the DPRAM memory. If no error is present it activates them and saves them in the EEPROM. The function block can adjust system parameters in the EEPROM of the controller to suit the application.


The EEPROM can be re-written up to 100,000 times.

The PLC should not automatically activate this function block, but it should be called by the user for specific purposes.


    NETID     : T_AmsNetId;
    SAVE      : BOOL;

NETID: The network address of the TwinCAT computer on which the ADS command is to be executed can be entered here (type: T_AmsNetId). If it is to be run on the local computer, an empty string can be entered.

DEVICEID: The DeviceId is used to specify the SERCOS master whose system parameters are to be stored. The device IDs are specified by the TwinCAT system during the hardware configuration.

SAVE: the block is activated by a positive edge at this input.

TMOUT: States the length of the timeout that may not be exceeded during execution of the command.


    BUSY    : BOOL;
    ERR     : BOOL;
    ERRID   : UDINT;

BUSY: When the function block is activated this output is set. It remains set until a feedback is received.

ERR: If an error should occur during the transfer of the command, then this output is set once the BUSY output was reset.

ERRID: Supplies the ADS error number when the ERR output is set.


Development environment

Target platform

IO hardware

PLC libraries to be integrated (category group)

TwinCAT v3.1.0

PC (x86)

Sercans SCS-P ISA; Sercans SCS-P PCI;
Beckhoff FC750x PCI

Tc2_IoFunctions (IO)