System users and system user groups

The following users and user groups exist as standard in the system and cannot be deleted:

System user

__SystemAdministrator: System administrator and member of the group "__Systemadministrators".

__SystemGuest: Guest who is automatically active if no user is logged in and is a member of the group "__SystemGuests".

System user groups

__SystemAdministrators: System administrator group with unrestricted rights and the following default settings:

__SystemGuests: Guest group with restricted rights, which allow only the login function, and the following default settings:

__SystemUsers: User group with restricted rights that allow access to all system server symbols required at runtime. The user group has the following default settings:

By default, all new users are members of the group __SystemUsers as a minimum. This behavior can be changed on the server configuration page under "TcHmiSrv/Security" under the name "Default Usergroup".

System users and system user groups 1:

The system users and system user groups are visible and configurable only in Advanced Mode. Do not change any settings in the system user groups.