ADS commands

The options provided in the Feature Simulation tab or Fault Simulation tab regarding the simulation of Hot Connect groups or EtherCAT errors can also be called via ADS (e.g. from the PLC).

ADS Write commands to the NetId of the EtherCAT simulation device must be called as follows:

Hot Connect:

Defined index groups:

Disconnect Device: 0x0010

Connect Device: 0x0011

Index offsets to be used:

The high word must be 0.

The low word contains the Identification Value (Hot Connect ID) of the device you want to connect or disconnect.

Simulation of lost frames:

Index-Group: 0x0100

Index offset: 0x0001

Data: 4 byte counter in which it is specified how many frames are to be omitted. 0xFFFFFFFF means infinite

Simulation of link lost errors:

Index-Group: 0x0100

Index offset: 0x0002

Data: 4 byte counter in which it is specified how many frames are to be omitted. 0xFFFFFFFF means infinite

Simulation of working counter errors:

Index-Group: 0x0100

Index offset: 0x0003

Data: a total of 10 bytes: