Sample: FirstNciSample


The example FirstNciSample shows how an NC program is loaded from the PLC and processing is triggered.

Amongst other activities, this includes

Further information on the function blocks used can be found in sections PLC Library: NC Configuration and PLC Library: NCI Interpreter.

Installing the sample program

The file FirstNciSample.exe is self-extracting and can be copied to any directory.

After successful unpacking of the data, the directory contains the following files:

Starting the sample program

1. Copy into the TwinCAT\CNC directory (otherwise the parts program will not be found during loading). Alternatively adjust the path in the PLC program.
2. Compile the PLC project
3. Open FirstNciSample.tsm and activate the configuration
4. Set PLC to run mode
The NC program will now be executed once. The scope configuration ScopeFirstNciSample.scp can be used to log the positions and velocities.

To execute the NC program again, use the variable bExec in the main part of the PLC to trigger the execution.


Installing FirstNciSample