Usage of a W and T USB-Com-Adapter under WinCE 5.0

In order to use a USB-COM-Adapter from W&T (see, Serial Interfaces, 38001 USB <> RS232 Interface Cable with USB supply) or compatible adapter on a CX10xx, the WinCE 5.0 Image has to be adjusted.

Copying of the driver-DLL:

The driver-Dll ftdi_ser.dll supports only FTDI-Chips with the Product-ID PID_6001, PID_6010, PID_6011and PID_6012 under WinCE 5.0. The ftdi_ser.dll has to be copied via USB-Stick or network to the Compact Flash into the folder "\Hard Disk\System". If the copying is done with a CF-Card-Adapter outside of the CX, then the ftdi_ser.dll has to be copied into the folder ":\System"X, the "X" stands for the drive letter. A Zip-File with the DLL is here:

Setup of the Registry:

The Reg-File "FTDI_USB2COM_COM5.reg" has to be copied into the folder "\Hard Disk\RegFiles" in order to setup the USB-COM-Port as COM5:. A Zip-File with the Reg-File is here:


; FDTI USB 2 COM Adapter Settings (PID_6001) for COM5:
; for PID_6010 change 24577 -> 24592
; for PID_6011 change 24577 -> 24593
; for PID_6012 change 24577 -> 24594

"FriendlyName"="Serial Cable on COM Port"





The Reg-File "FTDI_USB2COM_COM5_Modem.reg" has to be copied into the folder "\Hard Disk\RegFiles" in order to setup the USB-COM-Port as COM5: for a hayes compatible modem. A Zip-File with the Reg-File is here:


; FDTI USB 2 COM Adapter Settings (PID_6001) for COM5:
; for PID_6010 change 24577 -> 24592
; for PID_6011 change 24577 -> 24593
; for PID_6012 change 24577 -> 24594

"FriendlyName"="Serial Cable on COM Port"





; set USB-COM5-Modem

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ppp\Server\Line\Hayes Compatible on
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ppp\Server\Line\Hayes Compatible on
"FriendlyName"="Hayes Compatible on

; enable ras


The Reg-Files of the folder "\Hard Disk\RegFiles" are automatically imported if the registry is beeing created. That is done with the first boot of the CX or if there is no folder "\Hard disk\Documents and Settings" or after an update of the NK.bin. If the registry already exists (f.i. if the CX is already running), then the file has to be activated manually by double click.

A RAS/FTP-user guest with passwort 1 can be created via CxRunOnce.CMD. The file has to be copied into the folder "\Hard Disk\System" or the already existing file has to be changed. As with the Reg-files the CxRunOnce.CMD is beeing executed at the first boot of the CX. If the CX is already running, then the file has to be activated manually by double click. A Zip-File with the CMD-File is here:

CxAddUser guest 1 0 

Using of a different COM-Port than COM5:

The Reg-Files are prepared for COM5:, because the ports COM1: ... COM4: are reserved for local COM-Ports (system interfaces CX10x0-N03x or CX10x0-N04x) directly on the CX10xx. If a higher port than COM5: shall be used, then the Reg-File entry InitialIndex of te FTDI-device needs to be adjusted (f.i. 8 for COM8:).


Attaching adapter and Reboot:

At the end the adapter can be attached to the USB-Port of the CX10xx and the CX10xx has to be rebooted.


The functionality is only available for CE Image versions based on WinCE 5.0 for CX10xx.

Only USB-COM-Adapters with the Product-ID PID_6001, PID_6010, PID_6011and PID_6012 are supported.