Documentation Issue Status




Chapter Baud-Rate updated to firmware version (C)6


System overview updated


Description of Emergency Object updated


Documentation corresponds to firmware status (C)5


Expanding of the specification for IP-Link up to 15 meters


  • Documentation completed
  • Documentation corresponds to firmware status (C)4
  • Signal types and the signals' connection assignments have been placed in the fieldbus-neutral documentation covering Signal types (Fieldbus Box I/O Modules). You can find this on the internet in the Download area at


First documentation version for IL23xx-B510 and IPxxxx-B510

The documentation refers to a hardware status and a software status at the time the documentation was prepared. The properties are subject to continuous development and improvement. Modules having earlier production statuses cannot have the same properties as modules with the latest status. Existing properties, however, are generally retained unchanged, so that these modules can be replaced by new ones.
The software and hardware status of the fieldbus box modules at the time of their manufacture can be determined through the date number "D." on the side of the module.

D: ww yy xy zu
ww - calendar week
yy - year
x - bus board software status
y - bus board hardware status
z - I/O circuit board software status
u - I/O circuit board hardware status


Week 22 in 2001, bus board software version 1, bus board hardware version 5, I/O software version 0 - no software needed for this circuit board, I/O hardware version 1

The presently installed version of the firmware can be read from object 0x100A (software version).

Summary of firmware versions

If necessary, the firmware can be updated through the serial interface (a special cable is needed) or - as from firmware status (C)1 - it may be carried out over the bus using the Beckhoff CANopen FC5101 card. The firmware and update tool can be found on the internet under


Modification, extension

Bug fix


  • Support of fix baud rates



  • Optimized synchronizing of K-Bus cycle with sync telegram
  •  If the K-Bus cycle is not yet completed before the next SYNC telegram arrives, an emergency telegram is sent and the Tx overrun LED flashes slowly. The LED signal and EMCY are reset 10 seconds after the last occurrence of this situation.
  •  KS2000 online mode is supported
  • Change-over to operational is denied if K-Bus error is present.
  • Boot-up message is received reliably even for low baud rates
  • Default mapping for node ID 64


  • New: Object 0x6126 interrupt mask. Allows the data changes that lead to the transmission of event-driven TxPDOs to be selected. No change in the default behavior.
  • SDO response times to objects with PDO parameters (0x1400ff, 0x1800ff, 0x5500) shortened drastically.
  • Lifetime factor of 2 no longer results in a guard error when guarding is correct.
  • RxPDOs of length 0 no longer cause the firmware to halt.
  • The boot-up message is only now sent when the coupler has reached the pre-operational state (and not when the status is still changing).



  • 1 wait state introduced for RAM access. This means that C2 also runs reliably on modules having old hardware versions.


  • Firmware download now also possible via CAN (object 0x5FFF was introduced for this purpose). Requires Beckhoff CANopen PCI card FC510x.



First release


Firmware versions that are not listed are only used for internal tests.