Parameterizing the encoder

Dead time compensation

The dead time compensation of the axis can be set in the Time Compensation tab of the Axis1_ENC encoder settings. It should, in theory, be 3 cycles of the NC cycle time, although in practice 4 cycles were found to be preferable. The parameter Time Compensation Mode Encoder should be set to 'ON (with velocity)', the parameter Encoder Delay in Cycles to 4.

Parameterizing the encoder 1:

Scaling factor

The scaling factor can be changed by selecting "Axis 1_Enc" and tab "Parameter" in the NC (see "Setting the Scaling Factor"). The value can be calculated with the formulas specified below.

Parameterizing the encoder 2:
Setting the Scaling Factor
Parameterizing the encoder 3:

Adaptation of the scaling factor

The feedback system is directly related to the scaling factor of the TwinCAT NC, so that the scaling factor always has to be adjusted when the feedback system is changed.

Calculation of the scaling factor

with encoder, 4-fold evaluation:

SF = distance per revolution / (increments x 4) = 360° / (1024 x 4) = 0.087890625 ° / INC

without encoder:

SF = distance per revolution / (full steps x microsteps) = 360° / (200 x 64) = 0.028125 ° / INC