Features CoE

Depending on the main PDO/optional PDOs further settings can be selected in the CoE list (CAN over EtherCAT).

Features CoE 1:

Parameterization via the CoE list (CAN over EtherCAT)

Please note the following general CoE notes when using/manipulating the CoE parameters:

  • Keep a startup list if components have to be replaced
  • Differentiation between online/offline dictionary, existence of current XML description
  • “CoE-Reload” for resetting the changes

The following CoE settings from object 0x8000 are possible and shown here in their default settings, based on the EP5101-0011 as an example:

Features CoE 2:
Object 0x8000 - default, example: EP5101-0011

The parameters are explained in the object description chapter for the corresponding EtherCAT Box.

Additional Notes


Frequency measurement

Measurement sequence

Features CoE 3:
Frequency measurement principle in enhanced operation mode

Period calculation



Up/down counter

Overflow/underflow (not for product version -2011)

Open circuit detection


Features CoE 4:
DC-supported micro-increments

The highly constant query cycles (accuracy: 100 ns) of the distributed clocks systems enable the Box to interpolate axis positions between the counted encoder increments from a certain speed. The interpolation resolution is 8 bit, corresponding to 256 values. A standard encoder with 1,024 lines with 4-way evaluation and micro-increments thus becomes a high-resolution axis encoder with 4096 x 256 = 1,048,567 lines.

If the velocity value falls below the minimum value, this is indicated by the object Extrapolation stall 0x6000:08 in the process data (not for product version -2011).