
Check the structure of the hot connect group

The EP1111-0000 must be the first device in the hot connect group.
The first EtherCAT device in a hot connect group is marked with a red "HC" symbol.

Troubleshooting 1:
If an EtherCAT device other than the EP1111-0000 is marked with a red "HC" symbol, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click on the EtherCAT device with the red "HC" symbol in the Solution Explorer.
2. Click on "Delete from Hotconnect group" in the context menu.
3. Create the hot connect group correctly. See chapter Creating a Hot Connect group.

Check the addressing method

1. Go to Solution Explorer and click on EP1111-0000.
2. Select the "Hot Connect" tab.
3. Click the "Configure" button.
4. Ensure that "Explicit Device Identification" is selected.
Troubleshooting 2: