Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels

Some EtherCAT analog inputs support distributed clocks, i.e. the measured value acquisition is triggered cyclically by the local clock. This feature can be used to have two devices scan the electrical signal alternately on a timer-controlled basis. The two data streams can then be combined (interlaced) on the control side so that the effective sampling rate of the signal is twice as high as when sampling with just one channel.

This example shows the implementation of a 200 ksamples/s (ksps) analog value acquisition with two EL3702 (100 ksps each).

The levels of terminal channel 1 are still clearly visible in the TwinCAT Scope

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 1:
Signal 10 kHz, TC Scope

Electrically, care must be taken in such experiments to ensure that the source (here: signal generator) can drive against the impedance of the analog channel (here: EL3702 with industry-compatible 220 kOhm) and that the amplitude does not collapse on the generator side.

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 2:
Signal 10 kHz, dig. oscilloscope, signal generator

The terminal can no longer detect a continuous signal; due to the frequency similarity (multiples) of 100 µs to 50 kHz with a very slight deviation, a beat effect occurs.

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 3:
Beat effect

At all frequencies around 50 kHz, a changed beat frequency can be recognized (here: 49 kHz).

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 4:
Beat effect at 49 kHz

Peak values can be seen depending on the position, but in some sections with small amplitudes that are not usable:

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 5:
Peak values not usable

Note: 16-bit INT values are recorded. However, a scale factor is entered in the TwinCAT Scope, which enables the display on the ±10 V Y-axis.

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 6:
Scope scale factor

Note: The two channels of the EL3702 work simultaneously, therefore a second terminal must be selected for an interlacing (= time-delayed measurement). The second channel cannot be operated with a time delay to the first.

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 7:
Interlacing 2x EL3702
Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 9:
PLC Code

Both data streams are therefore interlaced in the TwinCAT PLC:

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 10:
Data stream interlacing

Display of the interlaced 49 kHz signal in TwinCAT Scope

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 11:
49 kHz signal interlaced,
red: EL3702_1_Ch1
blue: interlaced signal from EL3702_1_Ch1 and EL3702_2_Ch2

It is easy to see that the interlaced signal results from the addition of both signals.

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 12:
Signal 50 kHz
Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 13:
5 µs resolution

With this data, it is now possible to carry out a clear evaluation of the levels and bits and thus achieve the experimental goal. A simple bit interpretation "Amplitude > 0 = TRUE" delivers the 10 µs bits cleanly for a signal "1000" with analog f=25 kHz, DutyCycle = 25 %:

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 14:
Evaluation with TwinCAT Scope
Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 15:

Note input attenuation

With such a concept, it is important to consider the input attenuation of the analog inputs used. Although the effective measurement data rate is doubled, the input characteristic (keyword: cut-off frequency, -3 dB point) is not increased.

Increased sampling rate through measurement data interlacing of channels 16:

TwinCAT filter library TF3680

The TwinCAT filter library TF3680 can be used to attenuate or amplify the analog signal in a frequency-selective manner.