
Introduction 1:

2-channel serial interface RS232, RS422 or RS485

The serial interface EJ6002 allows the connection of up to two devices with RS232, RS422 or RS485 interfaces. The interfaces are electrically isolated from each other and from the EtherCAT.

Different operation modes (RS232, RS422 and RS485), baud rates and modes (e.g. termination, BIAS failsafe) can be configured via software.

The devices connected to the EJ6002 EtherCAT plug-in module communicate with the automation device via the coupler in an electrically isolated manner and thus guarantee a high level of interference immunity.

The active communication channel operates independently of the higher-level EtherCAT system in full duplex mode with 300 baud up to 256 kbaud.

In conjunction with the TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Driver the EJ6002 can be used as a normal Windows COM interface.