Using Easy mode

With Easy mode enabled, you can create or restore images by clicking the Backup or Restore button. The installation dialog is dispensed with and the procedure is automated. To do this, you need to configure the BST with default settings.


Use the Easy mode as follows:

1. Click on the Settings button and then on the Easy mode tab.
2. Click on Enable Easy mode.
Using Easy mode 1:
3. Enter the file name for the image to be created in the Backup name field.
4. If required, enter a password to encrypt the image.
5. Select the appropriate image format. You can choose between the TIB or WIM format.
6. Activate List Backups to display all images located under Source Path in the directory. If you have only one image, you do not need this option.
If activated, the Select Image window is displayed as soon as you click Restore on the start page.
Using Easy mode 2:
7. Under Source Path, state the directory that the image should be restored from.
If there are multiple images in the directory, the current image from the directory is restored by default. Alternatively, you can activate the List Backups option.
8. Under Destination Path, specify the path that the image should be stored under.
Check the settings and click Ok. In the next step, you can create or restore images automatically, i.e. without an installation dialog, using the Backup and Restore buttons.
You can switch the Easy mode on or off on the start page using the Easy mode or Advanced mode buttons.
Using Easy mode 3: