78C0, Inc Enc: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX

The encoder could not transmit a valid position.
Id=0x%01: Position status signals an error. Arg='Position Status'

'Position Status'
Bit 0: ChannelEnable
Bit 1: Error, Internal error occured, reported by ic-haus IPCore.
Bit 2: PosReady, Position received and shifted, ready to be read by drive.
Bit 3: EncReady, Set once the ic-haus IPCore has been set up and is running. No evaluation of encoder's answers or correctnes of configuration.
Bit 4: LastPosValid, Position in last communication cycle was valid.
Bit 5: PosValid , Combinated evaluation of Bits -Error (Bit 1 of this status) -nAGSError (Bit 9 of this status) -Position valid from ic-haus core (position received, CRC validated, Bit 12 of this status) -nSCDError (Bit 8 of this status)
Bit 6:
Bit 7:
Bit 8:
Bit 9:
Bit 10:
Bit 11:
Bit 12:
Bit 13:
Bit 14:
Bit 15:

Diagnostic Code (Hex.)

Diagnostic Code (Dez.)






Feedback error

Standard Reaction


Open loop ramp

Execute Reset-Command (Fault reset).

Possible Causes


Several causes, such as incorrect parameters or incorrect encoder connection to device.

Check encoder status in the parameter list (Encoder actual values)

Internal: 0x78C0, Inc Enc: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0x%X, Arg=0x%X